Photos, videos, and stories from the 2020 Festival

A celebration of music making by each other, for each other.

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#UVMCPets with Music Together Faculty

Old Joe Clark


Old Joe Clark
LightlyRow with Sebastian



Suzuki Book #2, Lully “Gavotte”

#UVMCAccompaniesItself, #UVMCPlays

Thomas Scheidegger


Pranav Sivakumar (10)


Pachelbel Canon 4 violins, Oliver Andrews


Polska from Delsbo, Nacio Levey

#KeyboardsofUVMC #UVMCPlays

Bach Prelude No.1 for Organ- Oscar Solberg


Daughter and Dad playing duet on porch for neighborhood.

#UVMCSingAndPlay #UVMCPets

Waltz from Suzuki book 2


Sandra Wiese


Maddy practices her guitar while jumping on the trampoline!


Sunny Martinson, piano and Ford Von Reyn, clarinet "Oblivion" by Astor Piazzolo


Hi! I’m Jinx. I’m five, and my hobbies are music appreciation (especially Judy’s violin playing) and active bird watching.


The Sunderwiths


Jennifer Hansen, I'll Be Seeing You by Irving Kahal and Sammy Fain

#UVMCAllTogetherNow #UVMCSings

Sadie Mielcarz, "Sixteen Going On Seventeen," Rodgers and Hammerstein


George Fowler, Princess Royal


#UVMCAllTogetherNow, Dave Beaufait, On the new baby, birthdate 6/6/2020, today. Proud papa tries it out for the first time for Sing and Play.


Sadie Mielcarz, Loveliest of Trees

#UVMCPractices #UVMCSingAndPlay

Suzy Malerich plays “Rubber Dickie” where else but...? Especially for Patricia Norton and Juneberry, who have changed her life!


Sam Moffatt and Kerry Dewolfe were playing on the porch of the Corinth town hall playing Mazurka Mañana

Sing & Play Sponsors

Thank you so much to our sponsors and partners who are making this event possible! Businesses can sponsor the Sing & Play Festival with in-kind publicity (no cost!) or a donation. Become a sponsor.