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Upper Valley Chamber Orchestra
More Info

Business Partners

Our business sponsors play a crucial role in making music education accessible to the entire community, regardless of their background or financial means. Your gift makes it possible to:

  • Help more than 1,900 children and adults learn music each year
  • Recruit and retain expert faculty who are able to focus all of their energy on teaching
  • Support UVMC faculty and students as they perform upwards of 50 concerts and recitals annually — many of them free to the community — throughout the region in concert halls, churches, libraries, schools, farmers markets, and beyond
  • Enable UVMC’s partnerships with dozens of organizations — social service agencies, senior centers, businesses, schools, and arts organizations, to name a few — to bring music education right into the community

We couldn’t do what we do without you. Thank you for supporting music education in the Upper Valley.


UVMC receives support from the following foundations and agencies.

Event Sponsors

Thank you to the following organizations who have sponsored events.

Program Book Sponsors

Thank you to the following organizations who have sponsored our program book.

Advertising Partners

Thank you to the following organizations who have partnered with UVMC on advertising!