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Board of Directors at UVMC's Grand Opening Celebration
More Info

Board & Administration

Board of Directors

Rosie Greenstein, President
Rachel Smith Silver, Vice-President
Zheng Duan, Treasurer
Judy Pond, Secretary
Louis Cornell
Deecie Denison
Amy Dingley
Melanie Henry
Nissanka Kiridena
Lucas Mendelsohn
Renee Snow


Office Staff

Benjamin Van Vliet, Executive Director
Erin Jenkins Smith, Education Director
Gillian Smith-Davis, Administrative Director
Matt Smith, Finance Manager
Jack Giguere, Registration Coordinator
Laura Jean Whitcomb, Marketing and Development Manager

Program Coordinators

Annie Arrington, Community Chorus
Alicia Casey, Suzuki Program
Joni Cushman, Summer Camps
Jennifer Hansen, Voice
Mark Nelson, Upper Valley Symphony Orchestra
Jennifer Turbes, Performance 
Nic Zannoni, Chamber Music