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Want to play with choral improvisation in a guided circle? Are you a confident, experienced singer — or maybe just beginning to find your voice — but ready to experiment! It’s powerful. It’s embodied. It’s bonding. It’s healing. It’s life-affirming. Some practitioners call it “my church”, others simply call it fun. There’s only one way to find out what it will be to you….

Circlesinging draws on traditions of chant, jazz and gospel improvisation, meditation and mindfulness to create one-of-a-kind choral improvisations. It is accessible to beginning singers, but also challenges and inspires the very experienced. The fundamental building blocks of rhythm, melody, and harmony are used in repeated patterns, creating music unique to the moment.

Don’t worry about “how to do it”, or that you don’t know yet if you’ll like it — it’s easy to learn, yet endlessly challenging and changing. No harm done if you come & decide it’s not for you — and a world of joyful play to gain if it starts your heart singing!

Random quote: “I was tired before venturing out last night.  I am so glad I decided to go! It was energizing, freeing and FUN!!  It was so great to sing in a more relaxed, creative way!” — circlesinging participant

Ages: 13 and Up
Prerequisite: willingness to take a chance
Day: usually the 2nd Friday of the month; check the calendar or join the email list to be sure
Time: 7-8:30 p.m.
Cost: drop-in charge of $10
Location: UVMC
Faculty: Patricia Norton