Two Alumni Join UVMC as Faculty Members

The next generation of vocalists are continuing the growth and the success of the Voice Program at UVMC.
When mezzo-soprano Jennifer Hansen started teaching at UVMC in 2008, she was the only voice teacher. Seventeen years later, the voice program now has five teachers — and two new faculty members are former UVMC students.
With Julie Ness, who joined UVMC in 2013, the program has seen the number of voice students double in just the past few years, from 42 individuals in 2020-21 to 80 in 2023-24.
“In the early days, we taught private lessons and a group class, Singing for the Stage. We had a robust Children’s Chorus and, for a short time, I led a teen chorale,” Hansen said. “The voice program has grown by leaps and bounds as we have increased the number of voice teachers. We have added a Singing for the Stage Junior class, two sections of Adult Performance, and a monthly Songwriters Circle to the group offerings. UVMC provides excellent vocal training so singers can choose with confidence from the many vocal opportunities the Upper Valley has to offer.”
Students have gone on to study in music or theater programs at Oberlin, St. Olaf, Malloy, Belmont, Elon, Ithaca, Sarah Lawrence, Dartmouth, and others.
The next generation of voice teachers at UVMC includes Allison Pollard, who was Hansen’s voice student. Pollard joined UVMC in 2023.
“Our Children’s Chorus Director and voice instructor Allison Pollard was my voice student in the 2010s when she was a Lebanon High School Student,” Hansen said. “She has always had an exciting voice and was very successful in high school and college as a soloist. I’m thrilled to have her on our faculty, with her training and empathy as a music therapist and her experience with teaching children as a choral director.”
UVMC voice instructor Jaclyn Pageau is a classically trained soprano, musical theater performer, and Upper Valley native. She joined the UVMC faculty in 2024.

Julie Ness and Jennifer Hansen have worked together at UVMC for more than a decade.
“Jackie Pageau studied with Erma Mellinger while at Lebanon High School and participated in group classes at UVMC,” Hansen said. “She was an extremely successful musical theater performer in high school, landing leads in lots of shows. She has a lot of experience as an administrator and brings organizational ability and experience with younger singers to her voice studio, group lessons, and new role as voice coordinator.”
Hansen, who moved away from the Upper Valley in early 2025, leaves the UVMC Voice Program in good hands.
“Jennifer Hansen’s guidance of the voice program is a beautiful example of the mentorship and lifelong learning that come from strong student-teacher relationships,” said Erin Smith, Education Director. “Upper Valley Music Center is lucky to have had Jennifer as a member of our faculty for so many years, and we will continue to benefit from her strong leadership for years to come.”