Lois Fein
Music Together
Lois Fein, singer/songwriter and early childhood educator, rejoins the Music Together team as instructor for Rhythm Kids and Family Classes. A graduate of Harvard, Lois studied music composition with Elliot Forbes, open-tuning guitar with David Wilcox, and songwriting with The Kingston Trio’s John Stewart. She loves making music and singing with her students as a PreK/Kindergarten teacher in Reading, Vermont and as a congregational song leader at Shir Shalom in Woodstock, Vermont. As an educator for more than twenty years and founder of The Full Moon EarthSONG Singalong, Lois has taught and performed at cafes, folk festivals, and many other venues. She will soon celebrate the anniversary of her album Step Into the Water (Demetri Sterling Records, 2006) and is working with children on a new album of original music called “Sound Play,” which melds piano compositions, percussion, and nature soundscapes with movement in an effort to make sound visible.