Juneberry Community Chorus

More than seventy unique people of all ages and backgrounds sing for fun and wellness in this non-auditioned chorus, deepening both choral skills and friendships. Rehearsals are filled with laughter and focused attention; singers routinely leave feeling energized. The music we sing for themed January and May concerts includes many different styles, cultures and eras, but is accessible to non-readers who practice outside of rehearsal. Independent practice during the week is expected of all singers, and recordings are available to make it easier. Regular attendance is the norm; singers who miss more than three rehearsals meet with the director before performance to confirm their readiness. New members get a buddy and a warm welcome. Interested singers are encouraged to get a sense of our group by attending a concert or looking at past concert videos and programs linked below.
The joining process includes a placement sing: free advice and coaching to help determine the most promising place for you in the Juneberry choral program! (Required to register as a new singer for Community Chorus; encouraged as a private small group coaching for returning singers). Maximum of 4 per coaching.
You choose which weekly rehearsal to attend, but whenever your schedule demands a change, you are welcome to switch rehearsal days:
Mondays at FCCT in Thetford from 10:15-11:45 a.m. or
Wednesdays at UUCUV in Norwich from 6:45-8:15 p.m.
Spring Term: Jan 27 – May 18
Each term has exceptions of snowdays, vacation days, dress rehearsals, and concert day.
For detailed program dates, click button below
For directions to locations, see below.
Random Quote: I feel that singing with Juneberry has changed my life. Both the class time and singing at home has brought an immeasurable amount of joy to my everyday life. It fills my heart, releases tension and makes everything good again!. — Susan, Juneberry participant
Prerequisites: Placement by Director
Length: 14 weeks, 1.5 hour rehearsal; 1 week, 4 hours dress rehearsal; 1 week with performance
Cost: Membership fee of $50 plus optional donation
Director: Patricia Norton
Collaborative Pianist: Brenda Chien
Questions about a class or not sure whether to register yet?
If you are interested in a specific class and have questions, or not sure whether you are ready to register but want to stay up to date, please complete our New Student Inquiry Form and list the name of the class.
Tuition Assistance
We believe that everyone, no matter their financial resources, should have access to music education. Click here to learn how to apply for financial support.
Tuition & Payment Plans
Payment plans of two or more payments are available by contacting the office or for group classes via online registration. Learn more about tuition, fees, discounts, and payment plans here.
UVMC Calendar
Wondering about holidays and whether UVMC is open? Find our school calendar – including holidays and make-up weeks – here.
Directions to Rehearsal Locations
Monday Mornings
Place: Thetford Hill Church, in the Newcomb Room
2596 Route 113, Thetford, VT
Directions from I-91, exit 14 (Thetford):
Go West on 113 at end of off ramp.
At the top of the hill, the Thetford Hill green is on your left, then the Thetford Hill Church is on the right across from the green. The parking lot is after (on the west side of) the church.
From the parking lot, as you face the church, there are two doors. Go in the central door, not the far left door, and go up the stairs inside. We’ll sing in the Newcomb Room, at the end of the hall on your left. Please pick up your music in the Pie Room, which is down the first hall to the left after you come up the stairs, past the kitchen. Then you can go through the double doors into the Newcomb Room.
Accessibility: If you need to use an elevator rather than stairs, please let me know ahead of time so I can be sure door is unlocked; the church has a great full-sized elevator! You will use the door on the far left and the elevator is just inside. When you come out on the second floor, you’ll want to turn right and right again to reach the Pie Room.
Wednesday evenings
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Upper Valley
320 Route 5 South (across from The Family Place)
Norwich, Vermont