Sharing the Love of Music: Faith Goodness, Instructor and Musician

Faith Goodness started teaching private music lessons in 10th grade. “Our town’s music center needed a flute teacher and my band director recommended me,” Goodness said.
It’s not surprising considering Goodness’ love of music.
“As an infant, I started singing before I could speak. I got a recorder for my 7th birthday and taught myself everything in the book in two weeks,” she said. “I started flute lessons at school in fourth grade and, within a month, the school teacher told my parents I had outpaced the fifth graders! I started studying privately and had my first recital in fifth grade — Telemann Sonata in G.”
From there, Goodness expanded into anything musical she could find: jazz band (alto sax and tenor sax); orchestra (flute and piccolo); chamber groups (flute choir and saxophone quartet); pit orchestra (all four years of high school musicals, playing up to four instruments per show); and accompanied the school chorus (flute).
“I participated in all-state almost every year and, as a senior in high school, sat as principal flute of the all-Connecticut band,” Goodness said.
Goodness attended the University of Rhode Island as a music education major. She graduated with a Bachelor of Music degree (summa cum laude) with a minor in jazz studies. She worked as a music teacher in a few different schools and music centers and continued to perform outside of work hours. “I have been teaching and playing consistently,” she said.
Goodness found UVMC when her family moved to the Upper Valley in 2009.
“At the time, they were not looking for additional teachers, so I joined the Juneberry Community Chorus and did some accompaniment when there were flute parts,” she said. “In 2023 I saw the flute teacher opening and decided to apply. The rest is history.”
Goodness teaches private lessons on flute, clarinet, and saxophone at UVMC. She has participated in strategic planning groups, helps with human resource-related items, and started a flute choir in 2024 to bring flutists together for ensemble experience.
“Flute parts tend to be limited in traditional ensembles — think band, orchestra,” she said. “With flute choir, you get not only the amazing sound of flute but you can experience full voicing, SATB-style. I also love that flute choir music uses some of the ‘big flutes’: alto flute, bass flute. I have been lucky to coach and perform in flute choirs, and it is truly an amazing experience.”
What does Goodness love the most about UVMC? “The people. I love my students. I have amazing colleagues. And our administration team has such a strong focus on mission and values,” Goodness said. “UVMC is an incredible place. It’s a place where you can come as you are and be welcome, whatever that means to you.”
Read more: A voice-flute duet teaches students expression and connection and fosters community.