Photo Gallery: Outdoor Music Gatherings
From individual lessons to orchestras, UVMC students took advantage of warmer temperatures to make music together outdoors. As the snow starts to fall and days get shorter, we look back on the sessions under tents at 8 South Park Street.
Members of Sinfonia, one of UVMC's youth ensembles, gathered for a play-in.

Amy Cann held class for beginner fiddlers to help with tuning and other mechanics of the instrument.

UVMC students and faculty performed at the Upper Valley Senior Center's Grab & Go Meals, July-October.

The Cello Choir gathered at Riverside Park in West Lebanon.

Two mandolin players shared a tune after the Slow Jam.

Amy Cann and Carol Compton led a slow jam for fiddle tune fans.

Pre-twinkle cello student Natalie Wilmot had a lesson with her teacher Ben Kulp.

Brenda Chien accompanied Suzuki violin student Riley Chin.

Suzuki Violin student Oliver Andrews practiced his piece with accompanist Brenda Chien.

UVMC organizes chamber music sight reading parties for students who are experienced or new to playing chamber music.