Arts Day Out

Thursday and Friday, March 26 & 27
8 am-5:15 pm
AVA Gallery & Art Center and UVMC
circle of kids drumming

Arts Day Out is a collaboration between AVA Gallery and Art Center, Upper Valley Music Center, and is meant specifically for the kids on break at Hanover Street School and Mount Lebanon School on March 26 & 27. Kids will spend the day making visual art with the artists at AVA, music with the musicians at UVMC, and then watch a movie in the afternoon. The full schedule is as follows:

8-8:30 AM: Drop Off Period
8:30-10 AM: Activities at AVA and UVMC
10-10:30 AM: Transition/Snack (Please pack your child a snack*)
10:30 AM-Noon: Activities at AVA and UVMC
Noon-1 PM: Lunch (Please pack your child a lunch*)
1-3 PM: Movie
3-5:15 PM: Aftercare/Pick-up Period

*Please make sure all packed snacks and lunches are nut-free.

We are trying to make this program as affordable as possible. The cost for the program is $45 per day, but if you need tuition assistance you may choose the $25 rate.

Grades: K-4
Faculty: Nils Fredland and AVA Faculty
Cost: $45 per day; $25 tuition assistance rate