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Tuition Assistance FAQs

  • Will my teacher get paid less if I’m using Tuition Assistance?

    No! Your teacher will get paid the same amount, regardless of whether or not you are using Tuition Assistance. The program is designed to make up the difference between what can be paid and the full cost of offering lessons.

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  • Will I have to talk to my teacher about why I am asking for assistance?

    UVMC’s Tuition Assistance program is confidential between you and our office staff. Your teacher will not find out that you have applied for tuition assistance unless you tell them.

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  • I’m an adult--will I be taking money away from children who want to take lessons if I use Tuition Assistance?

    There is enough to go around! UVMC is dedicated to serving the whole community and all ages of participants. There is no restriction on the age of who can use the program, and we will not take away funds from anyone if more people apply.

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  • I don’t really need Tuition Assistance, I just can’t quite fit music into my budget right now. If I applied for Tuition Assistance, would I be taking the opportunity away from someone else who does really need it?

    We believe music is essential, and we want everyone to be able to participate, no matter what your circumstances are. We have raised funds specifically for this purpose, and if you don’t take advantage of the Tuition Assistance fund then we can’t use them. You can choose the amount to apply for to make music fit into your budget. If you want to contribute in other ways, you can volunteer for UVMC, help us get the word out to the community, or make a donation when your circumstances allow it.

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