UVMC will open at 10 am today, Saturday March 29, due to the snowstorm. Classes and lessons before 10 am are canceled. Classes, lessons and events after 10 am will continue as scheduled.

Celebrating UVMC’s 2024 Graduates

Please join us in wishing congratulations to seniors! UVMC salutes all the high school graduates this year at this momentous time in their lives. Graduates are joining almost 30 years of alumni who grew up making music with UVMC. Whether traveling far or staying near, continuing musical studies or embarking on a new journey, alumni will always be a part of the UVMC family.

Oliver Andrews

Oliver Andrews


Years at UVMC: 15
Kearsarge Regional High School
Next step: Dartmouth College



Carson Boardman

Carson Boardman


Years at UVMC: 6
Lebanon High School
Next step: To be determined



Andrew Cahoon

Andrew Cahoon


Years at UVMC: 10
Hanover High School
Next step: University of Utah



Erica Holmes

Erica Holmes

Mezzo-Soprano & Viola

Years at UVMC: 6
Hanover High School
Next step: Tufts University



Oscar Solberg

Oscar Solberg


Years at UVMC: 15
Hanover High School
Next step: Yale University